Level 2
Hoof Protection
Nail and Glue-on Horseshoeing
Body Tension Release
Since 2007 The school of barehoof Strategy has been dedicated to the horses's bare hoof. The focus being, to help horses strengthen their hooves via a hoof care and life style change. We strive to guide horse owners giving them a heightened focus on what is called in our school, The Givens. A collection of bench mark ideal health care goals from head to toe, to help the horse improve mentally and physically by adjusting specific aspects of their lives.
A sound hoof opens the horse's mind to a better well being. A sound hoof is a comfortable foot. Our job as hoof care providers is to help that hoof become more comfortable . Together we will explore the reasons for discomfort, and develop skills to give the horse a better way of life.
How Level 2 works
To attend Level 2, you must pass the exams and requirements of Level 1. Regardless of ones experience, the lessons learned in Level I are the necessary building blocks for the farriery aspect of Level 2. A deep understanding of equine anatomy and its biomechanics are the fundamental assets for the hoof care provider. Seeing, recognising, and treating external physiological weaknesses of the hoof and body soreness is what we do in the School of Barehoof Strategy. Level 1 will give you that understanding and help you help the horses that need you the most. Horses that are young, scared, old, abused or neglected, started late, those with rotten feet, post laminitic conditions, not to mention the healthy horse, you will be prepared to start their process of getting better.
Sessions 8-15. Totalling 34 days.
60,000NOK Tuition In class and field study
9,000NOK Lab fee:Consumables: Shoes, nails, glue, pads, cadaver legs, propane etc
16.000NOK Accomodation 34 days of 3 meals per day plus a kitchen that is available at all times.
85000NOK To be paid in full by the third meeting (Session 10)
Earlier Bird total 82000NOK if paid if full before school starts.
Click here for Level 1 details, and to be able to take advantage of the Early Bird discount.
In sessions 8-15, we will be studying various aspects of locating pain and discomfort within the horses body and relieve muscle tension, so the horse will have a far more comfortable trimming and shoeing experience.
We will cover how to read the horse's behavior, and assess our approach the horse. We call this hoofmanship.
We will learn how to forge, shape and modify horse shoes and apply them to the hoof.
We will learn how to size, custom assemble, and apply a variety of glue on performance shoes
We will do both hot and cold shoeing.
We will further our studies in conformation and posture assessment for effective horseshoeing
We will further our studies in hoof pathologies, both internally and external that inhibit performance.
We will work on both cadaver horses to start our journey and ease our way into live horse shoeing.
We will work with the machines to assist us in our trade.
And may I single just one aspect of your study, you will learn how to sharpen hour knives to be wicked sharp.
As with level 1, it is nearly impossible to list all the scenarios of what will be taught as this craft is vast. You will however be given all the necessary foundations from body work to blacksmithing as it pertains to farriery, to removing hoof capsule pathologies and to do so with a deep seeded confidence.